Friday, May 9, 2008

Before you start searching for that dream home....

Can You Afford That House?

By Lorraine Decker
Prudential Carolinas Realty

Before you start searching for your dream home, you first need to determine a price range you can afford. According to the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), depending on the consumer’s current debt ratio, most people can typically afford to pay 31 percent of their gross monthly income for mortgage payments. For example, if you earn $50,000 annually, then your monthly income is about $4,167. Thirty-one percent of that is $1,292.
There are several online tools to calculate a monthly mortgage you can afford using factors such as your current monthly expenses, down payment and the interest rate. You can also work with a lender to get pre-qualified for a loan. This estimate will help you gauge how much money you may be able to borrow and the monthly mortgage payments.
However, the amount you are able to afford for a home loan should not be your only consideration for determining your price range. With homeownership come other housing expenses.

The most obvious of additional housing expenses are utilities—gas, electricity and water. But don't forget about telephone, trash collection, and cable or satellite bills.

As a property owner, you are responsible for property taxes. In our area, the rate can vary from town to town, county to county. To get a general idea on how much the tax bill will be for a property, ask the seller for a copy of the previous year's tax assessment. Your real estate professional can help you refine these figures.

Association Dues
Another cost you may incur is homeowner association (HOA) dues. Most condominiums and some (residential developments/subdivisions/neighborhoods) have HOAs, which are legal entities, created to maintain common areas and enforce deed restrictions. As a property owner, you are required to pay the established monthly or annual homeowner association dues. Be sure you factor this cost into your budget.

You also need to consider the upkeep of your home. You should budget for seasonal maintenance such as lawn care, pest inspections and carpet cleaning, as well as unexpected repairs. The amount you budget will depend on the age of the home, as older homes tend to require more repairs such as installing a new roof, painting and replacing older appliances.

Depending on the type of coverage and your area, the costs for homeowners insurance each year can be anywhere from a few hundred to thousands of dollars. And, if you live in an area that has high risks for flooding, earthquakes, hurricanes, etc., you may need supplemental insurance.

Unless the home you purchase is picture perfect, you’ll more than likely be adding your personal touch. Therefore, you need add to your housing budget the costs for remodeling and upgrades. According to “Remodeling Magazine’s” 2007 Cost vs. Value Report, the national average for a midrange minor kitchen remodel is $21,185; a bathroom remodel averages $15,789.
Even minor cosmetic fix-ups such as light fixtures, window treatments, carpeting and decorative cabinet knobs can begin to add up.
By determining all the costs associated with homeownership, you can go into your home search with a reasonable price range that will allow you stay within your budget.

I can be reached at (704) 400-7062. Prudential Carolinas Realty is an independently owned and operated member of Prudential Real Estate Affiliates, Inc., a Prudential Financial company. Equal Housing Opportunity.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Feds report historic highs for lending standards

Taken from on May 5th, 2008
Banks tightening mortgage standards
Fed: Standards on consumer and business loans near historic highs in response to the credit crisis.
Last Updated: May 5, 2008: 2:37 PM EDT
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Federal Reserve reports that more banks are tightening lending standards on home mortgages, other types of consumer loans and business loans in response to a spreading credit crisis.
The Fed reported Monday that the percentage of banks reporting tighter lending standards was near historic highs for nearly all loan categories.
The survey, conducted in April, found that nearly two-thirds of banks surveyed had tightened lending standards on traditional home mortgages with 15% saying those standards had been tightened considerably.
The current credit crisis began last year with rising defaults in the market for subprime loans, loans extended to borrowers with weak credit histories. Many of those subprime loans were packaged into mortgage-backed securities and sold to investors around the world.
Those investors, however, have pulled back from the subprime market and from other types of credit as losses have soared with the rising mortgage defaults.
As losses have mounted, more and more banks have grown reluctant to make loans and have been tightening up on standards. The Fed has been pumping billions of dollars into the banking system in an effort to encourage banks to keep lending to guard against the threat that the tighter credit could push the country into a deep recession.
The latest Fed survey found that banks tightened their lending standards on not just prime or traditional mortgages, but also on nontraditional mortgages such as "Alt-A" loans given to people who supplied only limited income verification. The survey found that about 32% of the banks responding to the survey had tightened "considerably" their standards for nontraditional mortgages and another 43% had tightened standards in this category "somewhat."
The survey found that only nine banks are currently making loans in the subprime category, and of that group, seven had tightened lending standards either considerably or somewhat.
First Published: May 5, 2008: 2:24 PM EDT